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NDSolve -> Mathematica braucht Ewigkeiten. Laesst sich das beschleunigen???


 ich wollte mir ansehen, wie sich ein relativistisches
 geladenes Teilchen in einem Raum mit elektrischen und
 magnetischen Feldern verhaelt. Dazu habe ich das 
 Mathematica (5.1) Notebook, welches auch an diese
 eMail angehangen ist, geschrieben.

 Darin loese ich die dreidimensionalen Bewegungsgleichung-
 en des besagten Teilchens mit Hilfe der NDSolve-Funktion 
 von Mathematica (5.1) komponentenweise. 
 Jedoch bricht Mathematica seine Berechnung mit den 
 Standardparametern leider bei 10000 Iterationschritten ab.
 Ein Aufruf von NDSolve mit "MaxSteps -> 'ESC' inf 'ESC'" 
 fuehrt aber nun dazu, dass der Computer ueber Wochen 
 beschaeftigt ist, ohne richtig voranzukommen.

 Erhoeht man den Wert der Funktion EE_z[t_] (des elektrischen
 Feldes in z-Richtung) auf unrealistische Werte (also von 
 0.003 auf 300000) so stellt Mathematica binnen kuerzester 
 Zeit das richtige Ergebnis dar.
 Nun meine Frage:

  Kann ich diesen NDSolve Algor. irgendwie fuer die 
  realistischen (sich im Notebook befindenden) Werte 
  Oder hat jemand eine andere Idee, wie ich mein Problem
  loesen kann?

Vielen Dank und Gruesse aus Berlin


| Hakan Onel
| phone: +49-331-7499-397, fax: +49-331-7499-352
|  + Remark:
|    Some eMail programs are not able to code/decode the special
|    sign in my last name. 
|    My last name coded in LaTeX-notation is \"O{}nel.
|  + Quote of the month:
|    "Equations are more important to me, beause politics is for
|     present, but an equation is somthing for eternity."
|                                                   (Albert Einstein)
(************** Content-type: application/mathematica **************
                     CreatedBy='Mathematica 5.1'

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    \(\(\( (*\ \(energy2velocity\  &\)\ velocity2energy\ conversion\ *) \)\(\
\[IndentingNewLine]\)\(\ \)\(vkin[Wkin_, m_] := 
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        1\ c \@\( 1 - \((m\ c^2)\)^2\/\((Wkin + m\ c^2)\)^2\)\
    Wkin[vkin_, m_] := 
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    \(\(\[Gamma]\[Gamma][t_] := 
        1\/\@\(1 - \((b[t])\)\^2\);\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
          t_] := \@\(\((b\_x[t])\)\^2 + \((b\_y[t])\)\^2 + \
\((b\_z[t])\)\^2\);\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
    \(\(ini01 := 
        b\_x[tmin] \[Equal] 
          0.5\ \ vkin[25\ 1000\ q\_e, m\_e]/c;\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
    \(\(ini02 := 
        b\_y[tmin] == 
          0.5\ \ vkin[25\ 1000\ q\_e, m\_e]/c;\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
    \(\(ini03 := b\_z[tmin] == vkin[25\ 1000\ q\_e, m\_e]/c;\)\)}], "Input"],

    \( (*b[t_] = 0; BB\_z[t_] := \ BB\_0; \ 
      EE\_z[t_] := \ EE\_0;*) \)], "Input"],

    \(eqn01 = \[PartialD]\_t b\_x[
            t] == \(1\/\(\(\ \)\(\(m\_e\) 
                c\ \((\[Gamma]\[Gamma][t])\)\^3\ \((1 - \((b[t])\)\^2 - \
\((b\_x[t])\)\^2)\)\)\)\) \((q\_e\ \((\ 
                e\_x . \((EE\_vec\  + 
                      c\ b\_vec\ \[Cross]
                          BB\_vec\ )\))\))\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
    \(eqn02 = \[PartialD]\_t b\_y[
            t] == \(1\/\(\(\ \)\(\(m\_e\) 
                c\ \((\[Gamma]\[Gamma][t])\)\^3\ \((1 - \((b[t])\)\^2 - \
\((b\_y[t])\)\^2)\)\)\)\) \((q\_e\ \((\ 
                e\_y . \((EE\_vec\  + 
                      c\ b\_vec\ \[Cross]
                          BB\_vec\ )\))\)\ )\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
    \(eqn03 = \[PartialD]\_t b\_z[
            t] == \(1\/\(\(\ \)\(\(m\_e\) 
                c\ \((\[Gamma]\[Gamma][t])\)\^3\ \((1 - \((b[t])\)\^2 - \
\((b\_z[t])\)\^2)\)\)\)\) \((q\_e\ \((\ 
                e\_z . \((EE\_vec\  + 
                      c\ b\_vec\ \[Cross]BB\_vec\ )\))\)\ )\)\)}], "Input"],

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    \(\(ts = {};\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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    \(\(sol = 
        NDSolve[{eqn01, eqn02, eqn03, ini01, ini02, ini03}, \ {b\_x[t], 
            b\_y[t], b\_z[t]}, {t, tmin, 
            tmax}, \[IndentingNewLine]StepMonitor \[RuleDelayed] {AppendTo[
                ts, {stepcounter, 
                  t}]; \(stepcounter++\)} \
(*\(,\)\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)\(MaxSteps \[Rule] \[Infinity]\)\
*) \[IndentingNewLine]];\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
        stepcounter - 
          1, \ "\< steps were made for iteration\>"];\)\), "\
    \(\(\[Beta]\_x[\[Rho]_] := 
        sol[\([1, 1, 2]\)]\  /. 
          t \[Rule] \[Rho];\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
    \(\(\[Beta]\_y[\[Rho]_] := 
        sol[\([1, 2, 2]\)]\  /. 
          t \[Rule] \[Rho];\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
    \(\(\[Beta]\_z[\[Rho]_] := 
        sol[\([1, 3, 2]\)]\  /. 
          t \[Rule] \[Rho];\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
    \(\(\[Beta][t_] := 
        Evaluate[\@\(\((\[Beta]\_x[t])\)\^2 + \((\[Beta]\_y[t])\)\^2 + \((\
\[Beta]\_z[t])\)\^2\)];\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
    \(\(\[Beta]\_p[t_] := 
        Evaluate[\@\(0 \((\[Beta]\_x[t])\)\^2 + 0 \((\[Beta]\_y[t])\)\^2 + \
\((\[Beta]\_z[t])\)\^2\)];\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
    \(\(\[Beta]\_s[t_] := 
        Evaluate[\@\(\((\[Beta]\_x[t])\)\^2 + \((\[Beta]\_y[t])\)\^2 + 0 \((\
\[Beta]\_z[t])\)\^2\)];\)\)}], "Input"],

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StyleBox[\(\[Beta]\_s\),\nFontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]]\) , \!\(\*
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StyleBox[\(\[Beta]\_y\),\nFontColor->RGBColor[0, 1, 1]]\), \!\(\*
StyleBox[\(\[Beta]\_p\),\nFontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]]\), \[Beta]\>\"", 
              "<>", "\"\< -- \>\"", "<>", "\"\<BField =\>\"", 
              "<>", \(ToString[BB\_vec]\), "<>", "\"\< T\>\"", "<>", 
              "\"\< -- \>\"", "<>", "\"\< EField =\>\"", 
              "<>", \(ToString[EE\_vec]\), "<>", 
              "\"\< V \!\(m\^\(-1\)\)\>\""}]}], ",", 
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"\<\[Beta]\>"}\), ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", \(Frame \[Rule] True\), ",", 
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        "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], 
      ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", \(Print["\<initial conditions: \n\>", \*"\
\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_x\)[t = \>\"", tmin, "\< s] = \>", 
        N[\(Solve[ini01, \ b\_x[0]]\)\_\(\(\[LeftDoubleBracket]\)\(1, 1, \
2\)\(\[RightDoubleBracket]\)\)]\ , "\<\n\>", \*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_y\)[t = \
\>\"", tmin, "\< s] = \>", 
        N[\(Solve[ini02, \ b\_y[0]]\)\_\(\(\[LeftDoubleBracket]\)\(1, 1, \
2\)\(\[RightDoubleBracket]\)\)]\ , "\<\n\>", \*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_z\)[t = \
\>\"", tmin, "\< s] = \>", 
        N[\(Solve[ini03, \ b\_z[0]]\)\_\(\(\[LeftDoubleBracket]\)\(1, 1, \
2\)\(\[RightDoubleBracket]\)\)], "\<\n\>"];\)}], "Input"],

      RowBox[{"LogLinearPlot", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
              t\ ], \[IndentingNewLine]\[Beta]\_x[
              t], \[IndentingNewLine]\[Beta]\_y[
              t], \[IndentingNewLine]\[Beta]\_p[
              t], \[IndentingNewLine]\[Beta][t]\[IndentingNewLine]}\), 
          ",", \({t, 0, Last[Last[ts]]}\), ",", 
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StyleBox[\(\[Beta]\_y\),\nFontColor->RGBColor[0, 1, 1]]\), \!\(\*
StyleBox[\(\[Beta]\_p\),\nFontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]]\), \[Beta] \>\"", 
              "<>", "\"\< -- \>\"", "<>", "\"\<BField =\>\"", 
              "<>", \(ToString[BB\_vec]\), "<>", "\"\< T\>\"", "<>", 
              "\"\< -- \>\"", "<>", "\"\< EField =\>\"", 
              "<>", \(ToString[EE\_vec]\), "<>", 
              "\"\< V \!\(m\^\(-1\)\)\>\""}]}], ",", 
          "\[IndentingNewLine]", \(FrameLabel \[Rule] {"\<t / s\>", \
"\<\[Beta]\>"}\), ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", \(Frame \[Rule] True\), ",", 
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        "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], 
      ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", \(Print["\<initial conditions: \n\>", \*"\
\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_x\)[t = \>\"", tmin, "\< s] = \>", 
        N[\(Solve[ini01, \ b\_x[0]]\)\_\(\(\[LeftDoubleBracket]\)\(1, 1, \
2\)\(\[RightDoubleBracket]\)\)]\ , "\<\n\>", \*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_y\)[t = \
\>\"", tmin, "\< s] = \>", 
        N[\(Solve[ini02, \ b\_y[0]]\)\_\(\(\[LeftDoubleBracket]\)\(1, 1, \
2\)\(\[RightDoubleBracket]\)\)]\ , "\<\n\>", \*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_z\)[t = \
\>\"", tmin, "\< s] = \>", 
        N[\(Solve[ini03, \ b\_z[0]]\)\_\(\(\[LeftDoubleBracket]\)\(1, 1, \
2\)\(\[RightDoubleBracket]\)\)], "\<\n\>"];\)}], "Input"],

    \(\(diagram3D = 
              t], \[IndentingNewLine]\[Beta]\_y[
              t], \[IndentingNewLine]\[Beta]\_z[t]\[IndentingNewLine]}, {t, 
            0, Last[Last[ts]]}, \[IndentingNewLine]PlotRange \[Rule] 
            All, \[IndentingNewLine]AxesLabel \[Rule] \
{\*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_x\)\>\"", \*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_y\)\>\"", \*"\"\<\!\(\
\[Beta]\_z\)\>\""}, \[IndentingNewLine]ImageSize \[Rule] {ImgX, 
              ImgY}, \[IndentingNewLine]PlotLabel -> "\<\[Beta] for \>" <> \
"\<t = \>" <> ToString[tmin] <> "\< s\>" <> "\< to \>" <> "\<t = \>" <> 
              ToString[tmax] <> "\< s\>" <> "\< -- \>" <> "\<BField =\>" <> 
              ToString[BB\_vec] <> "\< T\>" <> "\< -- \>" <> "\< EField =\>" <> 
                EE\_vec] <> \*"\"\< V \
\!\(m\^\(-1\)\)\>\""\[IndentingNewLine]];\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
    \(\(Print["\<initial conditions: \n\>", \*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_x\)[t = \
\>\"", tmin, "\< s] = \>", 
        N[\(Solve[ini01, \ b\_x[0]]\)\_\(\(\[LeftDoubleBracket]\)\(1, 1, \
2\)\(\[RightDoubleBracket]\)\)]\ , "\<\n\>", \*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_y\)[t = \
\>\"", tmin, "\< s] = \>", 
        N[\(Solve[ini02, \ b\_y[0]]\)\_\(\(\[LeftDoubleBracket]\)\(1, 1, \
2\)\(\[RightDoubleBracket]\)\)]\ , "\<\n\>", \*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_z\)[t = \
\>\"", tmin, "\< s] = \>", 
        N[\(Solve[ini03, \ b\_z[0]]\)\_\(\(\[LeftDoubleBracket]\)\(1, 1, \
2\)\(\[RightDoubleBracket]\)\)], "\<\n\>"];\)\)}], "Input"],

    \(\(ParametricPlot[\[IndentingNewLine]{\[Beta]\_p[t], \[Beta]\_s[t]}, {t, 
          tmin, Last[Last[ts]]}, \[IndentingNewLine]PlotRange \[Rule] 
          All, \[IndentingNewLine]PlotStyle \[Rule] \
{\[IndentingNewLine]perpendicularcolor, \[IndentingNewLine]parallelcolor, \
\[IndentingNewLine]RGBColor[0, 0, 
              0]\[IndentingNewLine]}, \[IndentingNewLine]ImageSize \[Rule] \
{ImgX, ImgY}, \[IndentingNewLine]PlotLabel -> "\<\[Beta] for \>" <> "\<t = \
\>" <> ToString[tmin] <> "\< s\>" <> "\< to \>" <> "\<t = \>" <> 
            ToString[tmax] <> "\< s\>" <> "\< -- \>" <> "\<BField =\>" <> 
            ToString[BB\_vec] <> "\< T\>" <> "\< -- \>" <> "\< EField =\>" <> 
              EE\_vec] <> \*"\"\< V \!\(m\^\(-1\)\)\>\"", \
\[IndentingNewLine]FrameLabel \[Rule] {\*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_p\)=\!\(\[Beta]\_z\
\)\>\"", \*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_s\)=\!\(\@\((\[Beta]\_x\^2 + \
\[Beta]\_y\^2)\)\)\>\""}, \[IndentingNewLine]Frame \[Rule] 
          True, \[IndentingNewLine]Axes \[Rule] 
          None\[IndentingNewLine]];\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
    \(\(Print["\<initial conditions: \n\>", \*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_x\)[t = \
\>\"", tmin, "\< s] = \>", 
        N[\(Solve[ini01, \ b\_x[0]]\)\_\(\(\[LeftDoubleBracket]\)\(1, 1, \
2\)\(\[RightDoubleBracket]\)\)]\ , "\<\n\>", \*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_y\)[t = \
\>\"", tmin, "\< s] = \>", 
        N[\(Solve[ini02, \ b\_y[0]]\)\_\(\(\[LeftDoubleBracket]\)\(1, 1, \
2\)\(\[RightDoubleBracket]\)\)]\ , "\<\n\>", \*"\"\<\!\(\[Beta]\_z\)[t = \
\>\"", tmin, "\< s] = \>", 
        N[\(Solve[ini03, \ b\_z[0]]\)\_\(\(\[LeftDoubleBracket]\)\(1, 1, \
2\)\(\[RightDoubleBracket]\)\)], "\<\n\>"];\)\)}], "Input"]
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End of Mathematica Notebook file.

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